Darla Daisies Loyalty Program & Tracking Form

Darla Hutt-Watson

My photo
Weaverville, CA, United States
Hi there! I'm Darla and I live in BEAUTIFUL Northern California! I am a mother of seven terrific kids and have been married to my husband for 32 years. I have been a Stampin' Up Demonstrator since 2010 and love ALL THINGS paper crafting. I also have a scrapbooking retreat business called Scrap Happens Retreats. I love teaching and learning new techniques, sharing ideas, hosting my retreats, being a wife and a mom. Hiking, bicycling, gardening and cooking are a few of my other hobbies. I'm living for Jesus and LOVIN' LIFE!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Love What You Do!

Hey there everyone!! I hope you are all well and I hope you've been getting some creating done!  It's such a busy time of year for me, with school starting and sports starting...I haven't had a chance to create a card in a few days!  I do have a super cute card that I received from my Upline, Sarah Wills!  I shared one of her cards on Monday as well!  She is very talented and her blog is sarahsinkspot.com, I hope you'll check it out!

This card is made with the Love What You Do stamp set!  She didn't have the pool party circle on it...just the sentiment on it, but I was eating an ice cream sandwich and got a smidgen of chocolate on it!  I HAD to cover the evidence up!  

Isn't it a lovely card?!!?  I really love this set!  I especially LOVE the designer paper that goes with it!  

My son is here for a visit which is wonderful and I'm a bit tired from babysitting four children yesterday (1, 3, 9, 11). I forgot how much work it is...even with my 13 year old here to help!  I'm relaxing today, but do plan on getting some creating done as well!  I have a couple girlfriends coming up the mountain tomorrow for a visit too!  What a treasure friends are...I really need to make more time to get together with them!  I will surely miss those that are unable to make it!

Thanks a BUNCH for stopping by!  I hope you ENJOY the rest of your day!  I'll see you tomorrow...hopefully with a creation I made today!

Don't forget Bonus Days last for the entire month of August!  For EVERY $50.00 you spend (before tax and shipping) Stampin' UP!  will mail you a coupon code that you can use for $5.00 off in September!  Spend $100 get two codes...spend $200.00 get four codes....PLUS get all the goodies below from me!! 

REMEMBER....use this months hostess code  MM3B4SXJ and place a minimum $50 order (before tax and shipping)...and you will also receive the gift pictured below ABSOLUTELY FREE!

Simply Shammy (an $8.00 value)
Stampin' Up!'s newest stamp cleaning tool!

You'll also receive the following...

  • Get a Darla Daisy for every $50 spent (before tax & shipping)
  • The projects we make in my August classes!

If your order is $150 or more, DO NOT use the code because you will receive hostess credits. You will get the gift from me FREE automatically along with the projects we make in my August classes!

Your FREE gifts will be shipped separately and will be shipped during the 1st week in September or before if possible or along with the free class items if you order the bundle.

If you have ANY questions...please contact me!  I'm here to help!

~Today's Thought~
Looking for a friend, or even better, a really good one? We need people who will love us throughout the highs and lows of our lives, encouraging us when we're strong, carrying us when we're weak. What kind of friend do you want to be? What kind of qualities make a friendship meaningful and strong? Darlene and Julie, girlfriends who cross generational lines, talk about relationships they cherish and why, and practical ways you can be this kind of friend. #gritandgracelife

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