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Darla Hutt-Watson

My photo
Weaverville, CA, United States
Hi there! I'm Darla and I live in BEAUTIFUL Northern California! I am a mother of seven terrific kids and have been married to my husband for 32 years. I have been a Stampin' Up Demonstrator since 2010 and love ALL THINGS paper crafting. I also have a scrapbooking retreat business called Scrap Happens Retreats. I love teaching and learning new techniques, sharing ideas, hosting my retreats, being a wife and a mom. Hiking, bicycling, gardening and cooking are a few of my other hobbies. I'm living for Jesus and LOVIN' LIFE!!

Snowman Curvy Keepsake Box Tutorial


Curvy Keepsake Box Framelit
Circle Framelits
2 ½” Circle Punch
1” Circle Punch
Boho Blossom Punch
Bird Builder Punch
Heart Punch
Large hole punch (for eyes)
Early Espresso Marker
Yellow Candy Dots
Real Red 2/8” Satin Woven Ribbon
Oval Framelits
Red Sticky Tape
Use one 2 ½” circle for face, one larger cut in half for body.  Use the oval framelits for the hat.
The 1” circle is for the mouth…cut one circle and then a sliver.
The heart punch will get you four noses!
All of your pieces…minus the Curvy Keepsake Box. 
Here is how you put it all together.  The red sticky tape if to adhere the ribbon (SCARF)
Once you have put your snowman together attach it to your Curvy Keepsake Box.  Fill it with your favorite candy…or better yet the favorite candy of whomever you are giving your little snowman to!


  1. I woke up this morning at 4:30 a.m. and turned on my computer and I feel like Santa came because to my surprise I had your wonderful email telling me about this tutorial. You are so gracious to take time from your family to make so many of us happy. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. May you have a the happiest of holidays.

    1. Thank you Sandee! I'm sorry it took me so long....I FINALLY asked for help from a fellow demonstrator who has tutorials! HAVE FUN making these and a blessed holiday season to you too!

  2. Love this little guy...thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you Lynda! I'm so glad you love him! Thanks also for taking time to comment! (sorry this is such a late response)!

  3. Thank you Darla for sharing your creative talents with us!!!! He truly is the cutest snowman ever!!!! Barbara

    1. Thank you Barbara! I really love doing what I do....and I am so happy you enjoy it!

  4. Thanks so much for the tutorial for the snowman. I love your creativity and will certainly try the snowman myself!

  5. The snowman is adorable! Thank you for sharing!

    1. You are so welcome Dawn! I posted my GRINCH tutorial today!

  6. Thank you so much for your creativity and for sharing your talent. This snowman is so cute. Have a blessed Holiday Season!

  7. Start by familiarizing yourself with the essential components of your camera, such as the lens, shutter button, and various settings.

  8. Hi Darla! Your life sounds wonderfully full and vibrant! 🌟 With your passion for paper crafting and your busy family life, it's inspiring. If you're looking to add a special touch to your crafting videos, try using the healing thailand capcut template. It can enhance your content beautifully. Keep spreading the joy and creativity! 😊✨


Thank you for your comments....they are always such an encouragement!

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Hi everyone!  I'm so glad you stopped by today!  I'm the designer this week for the 3D Thursday team and I have a sweet triangle gif...