Darla Daisies Loyalty Program & Tracking Form

Darla Hutt-Watson

My photo
Weaverville, CA, United States
Hi there! I'm Darla and I live in BEAUTIFUL Northern California! I am a mother of seven terrific kids and have been married to my husband for 32 years. I have been a Stampin' Up Demonstrator since 2010 and love ALL THINGS paper crafting. I also have a scrapbooking retreat business called Scrap Happens Retreats. I love teaching and learning new techniques, sharing ideas, hosting my retreats, being a wife and a mom. Hiking, bicycling, gardening and cooking are a few of my other hobbies. I'm living for Jesus and LOVIN' LIFE!!

Monday, August 27, 2018

Color Your Season!!

Hello everyone!  WOW!!! I'm a FLAKE!!! I completely forgot to blog on Friday!!!  YIKES!!!  I had a GREAT weekend though...with a FUN class on Saturday!  There were six of us and we created (well I didn't), we ate, we visited and we had FUN!

It was my Color Your Season class and I want to remind you that August 31st is the last day that you can get this bundle!  It's really a BEAUTIFUL bundle with so much versatility and when you buy this bundle from me you'll also receive TWELVE (12 yes 12) tutorials on how to create 12 different cards with this bundle!  You'll also receive the paper and embellishment supplies to create four of the cards, including envelopes, from me for FREE!  Because the bundle is $64.75, you'll also get a Darla Daisy and this months gift with purchase which is the Shammy!!!  In addition, for every $50 spent, before tax and shipping, Stampin' Up! will send you (via email), a Bonus Code worth $5 that you can spend in September!  PRETTY AWESOME!

Here's the bundle!

Here are the four cards you'll get kits for...including 12 COMPLETE TUTORIALS!

I also received a BEAUTIFUL card in the mail from my Upline, Sarah Wills, created with the same bundle!  I just have to share it with you as it is GORGEOUS!!! Her blog is sarahsinkspot.com if you'd like to check it out!

Well...that's it for today!  I hope you join me tomorrow for my Tuesday's Tip video!  I think you'll really like it!  Have a WONDERFUL rest of your day!

Don't forget Bonus Days last for the entire month of August!  For EVERY $50.00 you spend (before tax and shipping) Stampin' UP!  will mail you a coupon code that you can use for $5.00 off in September!  Spend $100 get two codes...spend $200.00 get four codes....PLUS get all the goodies below from me!! 

REMEMBER....use this months hostess code  MM3B4SXJ and place a minimum $50 order (before tax and shipping)...and you will also receive the gift pictured below ABSOLUTELY FREE!

Simply Shammy (an $8.00 value)
Stampin' Up!'s newest stamp cleaning tool!

You'll also receive the following...

  • Get a Darla Daisy for every $50 spent (before tax & shipping)
  • The projects we make in my August classes!

If your order is $150 or more, DO NOT use the code because you will receive hostess credits. You will get the gift from me FREE automatically along with the projects we make in my August classes!

Your FREE gifts will be shipped separately and will be shipped during the 1st week in September or before if possible or along with the free class items if you order the bundle.

If you have ANY questions...please contact me!  I'm here to help!

~Today's Thought~

“If you’re always trying to be normal, you’ll never know how amazing you can be.” -Maya Angelou Looking for more fun ideas?You Can’t Use up CreativityYou Were Born an Original9 of the Best Mother QuotesThe Art of Mothering / The Art of Living

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