Darla Daisies Loyalty Program & Tracking Form

Darla Hutt-Watson

My photo
Weaverville, CA, United States
Hi there! I'm Darla and I live in BEAUTIFUL Northern California! I am a mother of seven terrific kids and have been married to my husband for 32 years. I have been a Stampin' Up Demonstrator since 2010 and love ALL THINGS paper crafting. I also have a scrapbooking retreat business called Scrap Happens Retreats. I love teaching and learning new techniques, sharing ideas, hosting my retreats, being a wife and a mom. Hiking, bicycling, gardening and cooking are a few of my other hobbies. I'm living for Jesus and LOVIN' LIFE!!

Friday, December 17, 2021

Watercolor Shapes Tutorial

Hey there and HAPPY FRIDAY!  With two snow days and our daughter home from school it has felt like Saturday for a couple days now!  It's crazy how that happens!  I'm busy emptying my workshop today and this weekend so no creating for me!  I have a bunch of tutorials that I'll be sharing with you the next couple of weeks though!  You are not gonna want to miss them so be sure to check in everyday!  

Today's card is EXTRA FESTIVE!  It's perfect for the Holidays, New Years, Wedding, Anniversaries....I just know you're gonna love it as much as I do!


Do you love it?  I'd love to hear from you in the comments below!  

Thanks so much for stopping by today!
Have a FANTASTIC weekend!

Don't forget about my FREE shipping offer through December 21st!

If you need any Stampin' Up! supplies, click HERE to shop now from my store

 and use this months Hostess Code R9EZTAG7! Don't forget I'm offering FREE shipping through December 21st on all orders $50 & over (before tax & shipping).

You must use the December Hostess Code R9EZTAG7
when you place an order of  $50 or more (before tax & shipping) 
(One gift per customer).

If your order is over $150.00 please DO NOT use the hostess code...you'll still get the gift,  but you will also get the hostess credit for yourself!

 You'll also earn Darla Daisies through my loyalty program!

One daisy for every $50 spent (before tax & shipping)!

When you have 10 Darla Daisies you can choose $40.00 worth of  Stampin' Up! product(s) of your choice from me! Get your tracking form at the top this blog by clicking on Darla Daisy Loyalty Program at the top of this blog!

When you have 10 daisies,  email me your tracking form and your choice of product!!

Are you are interested in saving
 on your purchases?  

Become a Stampin' Up Demonstrator!

Click HERE to join my team!

~Today's Thought~

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Hello everyone and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!  I hope it's full of LOVE!  Thank you for stopping by! Today, I'm going to share tutorials ...