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Darla Hutt-Watson

My photo
Weaverville, CA, United States
Hi there! I'm Darla and I live in BEAUTIFUL Northern California! I am a mother of seven terrific kids and have been married to my husband for 32 years. I have been a Stampin' Up Demonstrator since 2010 and love ALL THINGS paper crafting. I also have a scrapbooking retreat business called Scrap Happens Retreats. I love teaching and learning new techniques, sharing ideas, hosting my retreats, being a wife and a mom. Hiking, bicycling, gardening and cooking are a few of my other hobbies. I'm living for Jesus and LOVIN' LIFE!!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Weekly Deals and New Stamp Set and A Curvy Box Creation!

Good morning....here's to a great day ahead of us!  Today I am praying for my friends in Redding, California that are dealing with a fire that is only 10% contained!  I read this morning that there will be a heavy air attack and ground attack today!  Know that I am thinking about you!

First I want to share this weeks WEEKLY DEALS...I'm a little late getting them out...it's Thursday all ready!  YIKES!


....and here is a new stamp set that is available....I ordered mine yesterday!

I also have a couple of Curvy Box Creations to share with you today!  

I really wanted to do a scarecrow with a hat...but my daughter thinks he's scarey....so today I'm gonna try to cutesy him up a bit!  I LOVE the hat and hair and leaves....just needs a cuter face!  lol

I LOVE my snowman!  He turned out exactly how I wanted him to turn out!  

I am sure LOVIN' this fall morning weather (although it's still hot in the afternoon)...but can't wait for enough snow to build a snowman!  

I get to work in my workshop...or play....today!  So come back and visit...I'll have some new inspiration for you!  Hope you find time to CREATE today too!


  1. Is there a tutorial on the scarecrow and snowman? I would love to purchase it from you. My granddaughter wants it for her class gifts this year. She has seen the picture and now I'm in trouble. Thank you for the time it take to respond to my comment. You do such wonderful work. sw103050@cox.net

    1. Hi Sandee...I have not yet made a tutorial for these projects, but would be happy to share them with you when I get them finished. What a fun project to do with your granddaughter! Have you already purchased the Curvy Keepsake Box Thinlits Die? You will need that in order to make both of these. If you don't already have a demonstrator or are not a demonstrator you can place an order through my online store.

    2. I want them too, glenda.white@wku.edu

    3. I had my order in on the first day you could order the Curvy Box thinlits die. Have made kits for our YMCA craft day. I love it! Thank you for taking time to respond to my request for the project tutorial and notify me when it is available. My granddaughter and I get to make 36 of them. I think I see a sleepover in our future:))

    4. What a fun night to spend with your granddaughter Sandee...I'm working on tutorials...I'm not very good at explaining how to do things...Glenda...I will send it to you as well!

    5. Thank you for all you help. I know what you mean about putting something together for teaching purposes. I'm pretty sure I don't think or do things like most people.lol

    6. I searched your blog and probably missed the tutorial or update on the snowman. Could you help me out. sw103050@cox.net. Love your new Santa. Again so cleaver. You must have 28 hours in your day. You are amazing. Thanks for putting up with me I will be making 35 of these cuties...

    7. No Sandee...you haven't missed it! I'm trying to add a tutorial section....but I'm not very good on the computer....I have to find some UNINTERRUPTED time to sit down and figure it out...and to type up the tutorials!

  2. Hi, Darla, love your snowman I found on Pinterest. If you post a tutorial, please let me know. Thanks! helfrich1@comcast.net

    1. Thank you Susan...I need to get a lot of tutorials done!

    2. Hi Darla I LOVE your snowman and would like to be included when you get your tutorial posted. risher3@hotmail.com

  3. I too would love the tutorial. These are so different than anything else I've seen with these dies. Love your creativity!

  4. Just another request for a tutorial, I'm have my entire family here for thanksgiving/christmas in Nov. would love the directions to make for table favors.

  5. I love both of these. I do not think the scarecrow is scary looking and would be happy to have it in my house. I LOVE LOVE the snowman. I am a big collector of snowmen and am always looking for new ones to add to my collection. If you get a tutorial made I would love to have it too. Thanks for sharing your creations.


  6. Add me to the growing list for a tutorial on the snowman. However, I would be good with a brief instruction or a few photos. Just found your blog today, and signed up to follow. Love it!

  7. I'm interested in the tutorial as well. Love, love, love the snowman!

    1. Thank you so much Bonnie! Be looking for the tutorial Wednesday or Thursday of this week!

  8. WOW!!!! You have an amazing talent with the Keepsake Boxes! Please add me to your growing list of tutorials. And I am signing up for your blog as soon as I finish this comment!

    1. GOSH! Thanks Barbara....be looking for the tutorial Wednesday or Thursday....I will post it to my blog!

  9. this is the best snowman I have seen done with the curvy box die, and I have the die and can't wait for you to do a tutorial on it....I'd love tohave it. thanks, Barbara

    1. Thank you so very much! I will be posting the tutorial Wednesday or Thursday of this week!

  10. I too adore these boxes and yern to make them!

    1. Oh Pam...you should make them! They are SO MUCH FUN! I will post the snowman tutorial Wednesday or Thursday to my blog! I know where you can get a Curvy Keepsake Box framelit if you don't already have it!!!

  11. Please add me to the list of People interested in your tutorial! Your snowman and scarecrow are just so special! Can't wait to try my hand on them! Thanks!

    1. Judith...I will be adding a Tutorial section to my blog and it will be the first one I post! I am hoping to figure out how to do that this week! Thank you!!!

  12. I'll add my vote for tutorials on these. THe scarecrow is adorable. Maybe just makinghis mouth more of a smile would make your daughter happy. And you snowman is the cutest one I've seen. Would love to make these for my painting group. But need some direction/supply lists

    1. Thanks Mary...I'm working on the tutorials! Life is getting in the way!

  13. I love the snowman too. One of my favorites so far. I just want to know if you freehanded that nose or used a punch to help it along. I got the rest figured out but that nose is stumping me. It's adorable. I'm totally CASEing it when I finally get mine. I ordered it two weeks ago but I know the backorder date keeps changing. I can't wait to start making these little boxes. :)

    1. Jennifer...I used the HEART punch...you can make four noses out of one heart....cut it in half and then half again...shape by hand with scissors. HAVE FUN!

  14. I, too, am wanting the tutorial for the snowman. Will you post it on your blog when it's done, or only send it to those who have given you email addresses? Just a thought - if you could post photos from different angles, some of us might be able to figure it out from there. Thanks. Jacque

    1. The snow man tutorial in on the left sidebar...I added it today! ENJOY!

  15. Have you posted the instructions for your darling creations (scarecrow and snowman)? If so, please let me know where to find it! They are the cutest curvy boxes I've seen for Thanksgiving and Christmas!

    1. I have added the snowman tutorial to the left sidebar under TUTORIALS...I haven't made one for the scarecrow yet. HAVE FUN!

  16. I would love the snow man instruction too! He's adorable.

    1. I added the snowman tutorial today. You can find it in the left sidebar under tutorials. HAVE FUN!

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Thank you for your comments....they are always such an encouragement!

Tuesday’s Tip - Sour Cream Container Treat Holders

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