Darla Daisies Loyalty Program & Tracking Form

Darla Hutt-Watson

My photo
Weaverville, CA, United States
Hi there! I'm Darla and I live in BEAUTIFUL Northern California! I am a mother of seven terrific kids and have been married to my husband for 32 years. I have been a Stampin' Up Demonstrator since 2010 and love ALL THINGS paper crafting. I also have a scrapbooking retreat business called Scrap Happens Retreats. I love teaching and learning new techniques, sharing ideas, hosting my retreats, being a wife and a mom. Hiking, bicycling, gardening and cooking are a few of my other hobbies. I'm living for Jesus and LOVIN' LIFE!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I was going to a surprise birthday party with my husband and needed a card....OF COURSE I wanted the card to match the gift we wer giving her...(a Bed Bath and Beyond gift card)!  This is what came out of matching the gift card....love the colors....even got into decorating the envelope....A LITTLE OVER THE TOP for me!  Hope you like it!


1 comment:

  1. My new favourite pastime is doing Jigsaw Puzzles since they challenge my mind and body at the same time. It is really satisfying to put together the pieces and see an idea materialise. It's been around for a very long time, and it's both entertaining and difficult. I thrive on the sense of accomplishment that comes from completing challenging tasks.


Thank you for your comments....they are always such an encouragement!


Hello everyone and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!  I hope it's full of LOVE!  Thank you for stopping by! Today, I'm going to share tutorials ...